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Learn More About PandG Sunshine Foundation LLC

Care For disablity

Providing exceptional care to individuals with developmental disability.

We want to be a leading provider of disability care, by providing first-class care using every means available to achieve the best possible outcomes for our clients.

Recently asked questions

People with disability
deserve a better life

Assistance from our staff to help a person participate in activities like: helop with daily living task, ordering food off a menu, buying things, learning the basics of cooking, doing laundry, manners, traveling, accessing community activities, one-on-one instruction and assistance for basic self-care, social skills and daily living on the employment site.

Services offered outside of a participant's home that encourage and support participation in learning, enrichment, or leisure pursuits as specified in his or her service plan and that are ment to improve inclusion in the community. Services for community inclusion are provided in a group. There are many variations of passages the majority have suffered alteration in some fo injected humour or randomised words believable.

Supports Brokers act as the participant's or family's representatie to help in determining short- and long-term requirments, creating solutions to address those needs, and gaining access to designated supports and services to help families and participants autonomously plan And administer program services. Practical skill training is provided. Examples of skills training include teaching people how to find and hire self-starters, manage teams, and provide information on effective problem-solving And communication.

Respite is a brief break of carers is referred to as respite care. Providing care for someone who is ill or incapacitated is a 24-hour job. You need to take periodic breaks to tent to your personal needs. This type of care can take place in your home, at special day-care centers and in residencial centers that offer overnight stays. Individuals who needs or requires respite care may include but not limited to Cancer, brain injury, Alzheimer's disease or demntia, A stroke, Blindness etc.

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Love and Care
For people with disability


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